
Finding our purpose




What if I told you that I know the secret to finding  our purpose in life? The secret to finding out who we are and why we’re here? Would you want to know the secret? Are you ready to receive it’s understanding and wisdom or is your guard still up against any true change the secret might reveal you still need to make within yourself?


I first should tell you up front, the secret will not advance you, it will not give you power or authority, it will not give you station, acceptance, emotional balance or a free pass of any sort. Knowing the secret will not magically make your life easier or make all your problems go away. On the contrary knowing the secret will challenge your ideals, your ways, your rights, your comforts even your beliefs. Lastly you should know that knowing the secret only helps those truly seeking truth.  The secret will only benefit those who seek it with all their heart. Those who have already exhausted all their own resources and understand how to surrender their crown while not giving up. It cannot help those who are just curious, those who don’t truly believe there is a purpose for them to seek, or those who think they already know their purpose.


So if you were just humoring me, or just wanting entertained, or just kind of curious, I will assure you now we are wasting your time. Knowing what the secret is, to finding your purpose will be of no use or value to you. So anyone still reading this I ask you, are you truly seeking to find your purpose? Is it the desire of your heart to fulfill the purpose you were created to fulfill?


So are you ready to hear the secret? Are you sitting down? The secret to finding your purpose, to finding out who you are and why you are here is; you won’t find it while clinging for dear life to what brings you comfort in the things of this world, or while still seeking the things you like, while seeking your happiness. The secret is simple really because it’s no secret at all.


Every single human being alive has one thing the rest of humanity needs. It’s something no one else can give the world as God gave it to you alone.  Sadly, not many ever find what their thing is because they don’t understand you can’t find your give while you still seek your take. While life is still about you and on what is fair you cannot find the piece of you that is to be given to everyone but yourself. If you still seek your own comfort and that which makes you feel happy and good, that which makes you feel accomplished, it acts like putting two North Poles together in magnetism. There is no possibility of attaching the two together, they push away from each other. They call it repulsion. So as long as you seek for yourself you repel from you, that which you were meant to give.


We were not created to be self-seeking, that is the fallen world’s way. Romans 12:4-5 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  We were created to be parts of a whole, each needed individually to make the whole come together. To find your purpose, the reason you were created, you must deny yourself, surrender your life to become a living sacrifice to the Will of God.  Romans 12:1-2 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


What never ceases to amaze me is the more servitude I practice the more God blesses me with the things I desire. He loves to see us excited, happy, surprised, and most of all He loves to hear us tell others what He has done for us.


There have been times I saw something I really wanted and I would mentally note the cost so I would remember once I had the money to go get it.  I wouldn’t even tell anyone else about wanting the item. Then, to my surprise, somehow that very item would show up on my desk, or someone would gift it to me, or I would find it in a second hand store. That was no coincidence! I knew exactly who really thought of me and blessed me.


Something I learned a long while ago was in everything I do whether it be washing dishes or changing diapers, talking to a friend or disciplining one of my kids, I need to do it in the way I would do it if I was doing it for Jesus Himself. I really never know when something has turned into a Divine Appointment . And I never really know when I’m entertaining an angel.  Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.


As we learn to live as a Living Sacrifice the blessings become overflowing in our own life as I believe personally God set it up this way so we don’t need to concentrate on ourselves, we can concentrate on service to others in effect, service to Him and He maintains our needs and desires for us better than we ever could. Our job is to be a blessing to others, encourage, uplift, listen to hear, lend our shoulder, visit and show others how special they are to us and ultimately how special they are to Father God.


While doing this we’re not to worry about our own needs and desires, instead having faith in Father God, we entrust our own care to Him. This allows us to fully concentrate our love, God’s love unto others. The best part is, in so doing we give Father God opportunity to wow us as He shows us how much better He knows us and takes care of us then we do for ourselves.


So let me repeat, you can’t find your give while you still seek your take.  Let God seek for you while you fulfill your divine purpose. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you, while you seek Him with your whole heart.


PS.. Have you had an amazing experience in which Father God blessed you, leaving not even a tiny shred of doubtit was Him. I would love to hear about it. Please comment and share your experience.

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By giving up religion, denomination and ritualistic works based worship, I became free to truly grasp an understanding of Grace. While maintaining a healthy fear of God, my focus became concentrated on His love. Through praise, prayer and His word I grow daily in the most beautiful, fascinating, inspiring and fulfilling relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. It is the greatest desire of my heart to truly echo the Heart of Jesus in every aspect of my life and in every relationship throughout my life.

By Dailyechoes

By giving up religion, denomination and ritualistic works based worship, I became free to truly grasp an understanding of Grace. While maintaining a healthy fear of God, my focus became concentrated on His love. Through praise, prayer and His word I grow daily in the most beautiful, fascinating, inspiring and fulfilling relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. It is the greatest desire of my heart to truly echo the Heart of Jesus in every aspect of my life and in every relationship throughout my life.

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