
Completely Surrender

Why do we need to completely surrender the running of our lives into the more capable hands of Father God?

Maybe because Father God’s goal is to fit us for eternity!
First, He gave us opportunity to prove our trustworthiness but instead of proving we can be trusted, we ate the apple. (Sin) Romans 3:23 KJV — For all have silnned, and come short of the glory of God;
But did we just take a bite? Is that the extent of our malice truly? Just a simple tiny bite, that’s all?

No, First, we convinced ourselves that the apple (sin) was worthy of our desire for it. (Betrayal
Then, we had to convince ourselves of our worthiness in an effort to condone our desire for a taste. (Pride)

Next, we had to somehow convince ourselves that God, Who so strategically, skillfully and masterfully created us, is the actual betrayer. That He is withholding and intentionally deceiving us. Calling bad good and good bad in order to excuse our bad behavior. (Selfishness) Isaiah 5:20 KJV — Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Then, we had to defend our misguided perception about His bad intentions toward us deciding we can take better care of ourselves. (Self righteousness) Isaiah 5:21 KJV — Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
We made up our minds that the apple (sin) is right for us. Knowing the outcome would be fatal to our relationship with our Creator, we still intentionally took a bite.
And once we’ve done all the damage we can, its then, it seems, we ask the most naïve question.

Why would a good and loving God allow so much pain and suffering? Why would He just sit back and watch the innocent suffer so?

We are too prideful to realize just how much He wants to step in yet when He does, we refused His help. We reject His ways, His guidance, we rebel against growing up and getting fit and ready to move on to live our eternity.

So again I ask myself, why do we need to completely surrender the running of our lives into the more capable hands of Father God?
For me, the answers are;

#1 I am not capable of preparing myself for what I don’t even have the experience to know exists. I’ve never experienced eternity. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the need to seek guidance from someone who through experience is knowledgeable about our desired destination. And friend, God is amazing at giving directions to His house. Sometimes we are just too prideful to follow them.

#2 Although I was not present in the garden when Adam and Eve ate the literal apple, my own apples (sins) mirror the process of making the choice to partake.
I can’t be trusted, although my deepest desire is that I become as such. I just always wind up derailed, worn out, broken, and wrongfully diagnosing my suffering. Sometimes even after realizing my error, I stay on course, living in the mistake make believing it’s all right.
No… Truth is, if I am to be truly honest with myself, I cannot be trusted to find my own way into Father God’s reality, His domain, His eternity because I don’t know the way to get there. Father God sent His only-begotten Son to die giving me an option to choose Him, but He will not force me or choose for me.

John 3:16 KJV — For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

If I want to live on the good side of eternity, I must learn how to let him govern my here and now. He knows the requirements and how to obtain those I may be lacking in order for me to confidently rest in the assurance of my ultimate destination. I need to surrender my will and decide to trust the experienced, reliable, trustworthy, expert.

#3 Father God’s will is that none should be lost. 2 Peter 3:9 KJV — The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
We are all predestined for the good side of eternity the moment we are conceived. Then we are set free to say yes or no. My creator’s goal, plan, desired outcome, has always been, still remains and will always be a personal, intimate relationship with me. This is in fact the whole point in creating me.

Father God is the only one who truly has my best interest in mind. Even I can’t say that about myself. I often desire things that will hurt me, break me, overburden me and things that might keep me in bondage. Some things really seem like good, godly things and so draw me in, yet they are good for the right person in which I may not be. Father God doesn’t make mistakes and though I may not always understand why or where He leads, I know it will always be the right, best, good thing for me. Romans 8:28 KJV — And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Father God’s desire is that I choose Him too, of my own free will.

How do you know if someone really, truly, desires you and loves you?

It’s simple really, yet the answer also carries with it the possibility of the worst kind of suffering and pain.
The simple– You have to free them completely, not even a thread of attachment can remain or results won’t be 100% accurate. This means you must allow the consequences that come from either choice without stepping in unless you’re invited.
The possible suffering– Those you set free may deside not to ever return. They may reject the only one who can or will ever truly, unconditionally love them. They may destroy themselves before your eyes and never realize their special, unique, beauty.
The possible pain– They may ignorantly blame you for their choices and the consequences their choices brought upon them. They resent the truth, honesty, the majesty, the purpose, the grace, the gift of being truly set free to make their own choice.

You can’t make a choice unless you’re given two or more options. God couldn’t create us and give us free will to choose if there was only one choice. And there are consequences for each choice. In order to allow choice you must also allow the consequences of each choice without stepping in. You can’t choose good if bad wasn’t a choice. You can’t choose sacrifice if selfishness wasn’t a choice. It’s not enough just to offer choices, in order for a choice to be a choice you can’t tamper with the consequences. You must allow the person to experience the full responsibility and outcome of their choice, or it wouldn’t be true free choice.

A good and loving God allows the pain and suffering, even of the innocent, because He is faithful and just keeping His promises. The world hurts because from Adam to present we have eaten the apples (sinned) producing for ourselves (the human race) negative, painful, consequences.

And lastly, reason #4 As I sit still and really seek the wise answer, the right answer, the true answer, I am remembering how Job came to his own answer of basically this very question. Job 42:1-6 NLT — Then Job replied to the LORD: “I know that you can do anything, And no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, Things far too wonderful for me. You said, ‘Listen and I will speak! I have some questions for you, And you must answer them.’ I had only heard about you before, But now I have seen you with my own eyes. Furthermore, I take back everything Furthermore, I said, And Furthermore, I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
He realized the simplest yet wisest truth of all, He was the created, not the Creator.

Father God understood the pain He’d have to endure when He chose to set us free. He knew the amount of self-control He would have to muster up in order to honor the freedom given to us every time our poor choices caused us to suffer and break. Determined to make our own way, pull ourselves through or save ourselves, He would have to leave us to the consequences of our mistakes, our actions, our decisions even though He contained the power to end our suffering. He would have to suffer the heartache and tears of watching us, willing us to run into the safety of His arms, so He could protect us, guide us., take all the burden we caused upon Himself, and ultimately knowing the cost of His only-begotten Son’s very life in order to save us once we did choose to return to Him.

Father God weighed the cost and still decided to free us in order for us to have the possibility of choosing to return His love. He took all the risk, He carried all the cost, while we gained all the benefits. All He ever wanted is to love and be loved.
Choose Him today! And every day for the rest of eternity!

Until next time may God bless you, and keep you, as you seek Him, with your whole heart.

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By giving up religion, denomination and ritualistic works based worship, I became free to truly grasp an understanding of Grace. While maintaining a healthy fear of God, my focus became concentrated on His love. Through praise, prayer and His word I grow daily in the most beautiful, fascinating, inspiring and fulfilling relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. It is the greatest desire of my heart to truly echo the Heart of Jesus in every aspect of my life and in every relationship throughout my life.

By Dailyechoes

By giving up religion, denomination and ritualistic works based worship, I became free to truly grasp an understanding of Grace. While maintaining a healthy fear of God, my focus became concentrated on His love. Through praise, prayer and His word I grow daily in the most beautiful, fascinating, inspiring and fulfilling relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. It is the greatest desire of my heart to truly echo the Heart of Jesus in every aspect of my life and in every relationship throughout my life.

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